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Xi Jinping Meets with President of the French Mérieux Foundation Alain Mérieux and His Wife
2024-04-08 18:05

On April 8, 2024, President Xi Jinping met with President of the French Mérieux Foundation Alain Mérieux and his wife at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

Xi Jinping expressed appreciation for the long-term care and support Alain Mérieux and his wife and the Mérieux Foundation have given for the development of China-France relations and China's health causes.

Xi Jinping stressed that the world is undergoing profound transformation unseen in a century and has entered a period of change and turbulence. Human society has to deal with not only health challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic but also geopolitical conflicts like the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the Ukraine crisis. China advocates peace and opposes wars, and has been calling for ending hostilities and promoting peace, and for building a community with a shared future for mankind. Noting that this year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of China-France diplomatic relations, Xi Jinping said over the past 60 years, the friendship between the two countries has been passed on from generation to generation, and grown from strength to strength. China cherishes its friendship with France and is ready to further strengthen high-level interaction and enhance exchanges and cooperation with France to take bilateral relations to a higher level. Over the years, China and France have carried out a series of cooperation in health and achieved fruitful results. The Mérieux Foundation is welcome to deepen cooperation with China.

Alain Mérieux thanked President Xi Jinping for taking time out of his tight schedule to meet them, noting that this is a touching demonstration of President Xi’s friendly sentiments toward the French people. Recalling that his bond with China began 46 years ago, Alain Mérieux said he has followed and admired China's development and progress over the years, and the Mérieux Foundation will continue to actively promote France-China friendship and health cooperation.

Wang Yi was present at the meeting.

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